Course Overview

The Elementary English course is a comprehensive communicative English course that prepares both native and non-native speakers of English to interact confidently through the rich input of language, intensive practice, and systematic recycling. Students will continue to expand on their vocabulary in the areas of people, locations, food, technology, habits, shopping, clothes, and transportations. At the end of the course, the upgraded conversation skills are expected to also help students articulate their jobs, favorite activity, and family beyond the basic description.


Students will be assessed by a combination of class attendance and examinations

Entry Requirements:

  • Minimum 17 years of age

  • Pass a minimum score of 50% in the Internal Placement Test, Or Pass in Certificate in General English (Fundamental) in Chasewells Management College.

Course Duration: 4 months

Course Mode: Part-Time

Student-Teacher Ratio: 1: 15

Intake: Weekly

Mode of Delivery: Face to Face Classroom lectures plus Tutorials